Ford Motor Company Employee, Charlton Boyer, harasses & violates the human rights of owner of website. Employee says, “He’s off from work & can do what he wants.”
Ford Motor Company has been a blooming automotive company since 1903 continuing to provide what America sees as ‘generous’ to their employees from the start of the company to present. Ford has been around for over a century with a strong speak up statement on their website for internal and external use. Does Ford expect their employees to maintain a certain professionalism while off the clock? If so, Charleston E. Boyer says otherwise.
In the age of technology, everything is observed via the internet. Many employees from remarkable companies have been captured online representing their employer as total opposite of what the company morally stands for. I have been harassed nonstop by Charleston Boyer of Ford Motor Company for three years now. I have begged him to please leave me alone on numerous occasions but the harassment continues. I have been on the internet for 11 years and nobody has harassed and stalked me like Charleston Boyer and the cyberstalking gang he is associated with. Several women have been killed by men with aggressive personalities hence why I recently reached out to the local police about his behavior. The reason he gives for this uncivilized behavior towards me is the reporting on the unethical behaviors of employees online. There are numerous of media outlets that utilize their platforms for news reporting but he seems to only have an issue with mine. Charleston Boyer went as far as creating a LLC company in Michigan under my name stating “my name belongs to him”. Very creepy and disturbing. Two months ago I was being interviewed on a YouTube channel and Charleston Boyer decided to rudely interrupt to fat shame, degrade, and confront me about my website. My husband has reached out to Mr. Boyer asking the problem, and Mr. Boyer told him names of people I reported on, he didn’t approve of.
After asking Mr. Boyer over and over to please leave me alone, he stated that he can go anywhere he wants on a public platform. According to Mr. Boyer, he was previously under investigation for his behavior online and Ford Motors company response was “what he does on his personal time is his business.” (verbatim) I had to leave my interview, which happened numerous of times, because Mr. Boyer would show up. Body shaming falls under the lines of sexual harassment (The harasser’s conduct is unwelcomed while speaking on my body mass continuously) also violating my human rights (Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) whether on social media or in person.
In another situation, Charleston Boyer purchased nude photos from a woman online. After the woman told Mr. Boyer to not engage with her anymore, he exposed the woman for sending the photos. The photo below is the woman displaying the money exchanged between herself and Mr. Boyer. On YouTube, Charleston Boyer is known as ‘Da Mayor of Detroit’, the online persona he created for himself. Here is the link to his YouTube channel: He verbally attacks and degrade women daily.

A few black women have been severely harmed or murdered for telling a man “No!” Mr. Boyer doesn’t take women asking him to stay away from them very well which causes him to lash out, spread rumors about them from his YouTube channel, and/or shows up to where the woman is to intimidate. To give an example, Tiarah Poyau, a graduate student, was brutally murdered by a complete stranger whom she told “get off of me” when he attempted to invade her personal space. Reginald Moise didn’t like to be rejected and shot Tiarah Poyau in the face.

Mary Spears was murdered at a bar in Detroit by a man she didn’t want to give her phone number to.

There are numerous of videos of Mr. Boyer on Youtube threating women unprovoked, exposing text messages of conversations he had with women after being rejected, and calling women derogatory names while body shaming. Multiple women have asked Mr. Boyer to leave them alone virtually but he taunts even more. The cyberbullying group that he apart of also threatens to harm innocent children in a sexual manner. Mr. Boyer is close friends with a couple on YouTube that has threatened several women online saying they will put their children on the dark web. The dark web is an illegal part of the internet where pedophiles go to be sexually aroused by innocent children. Here’s a clip of two of Charleston Boyer’s virtual friends threatening an innocent four year old little girl sexually to torture the mother.
Is Ford Motors Company aware of their employee’s behavior online? Is Ford Motors Company ok with their employee being apart of a cyberstalking gang? Is Ford Motors Company aware of their employee publicly in support of potential pedophiles?
Charleston Boyer has stated numerous of times that his supervisor and union representative are aware of his behavior online and doesn’t see anything wrong with his online behavior. Are the executives and board members contacted aware of this behavior and ok with it considering the numerous of harassment lawsuits Ford company previously paid out for? Or will I go unheard as many of the woman did that worked for this company until they reached out to other media outlets?
In part 2 I will be reaching out to other media outlets and displaying more of the harassing behaviors of Charleston Boyer. We will focus on an adult YouTuber with Autism whom Charleston Boyer enjoyed publicly making fun of. Stay tuned.